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Welcome to Snoot Suit Snuggle!

Our mission is to empower people to be able to snooze and rest their eyes in all situations and places. In this society, we have a habit of getting less and less sleep, and still complain about it. This invention counteracts peoples ability to contribute and improve our world, due to lack of proper rest.

The Snoot Suit Snuggle is a creation that will enable you to sleep anywhere and anytime, so you are better rested and therefore more productive and happy. We are combatting stress and weariness, to give you an opportunity to seize the day!

Because continuity matters, and so do your sleeping habits.

The Creation Process

Creators here at your neighborhood have worked day in and day out to bring you the Snoot. Every single piece is created with care for our fellow man and tired student(s).


  • This headgear comes in the colors
    • sapphire blue
    • moss green
    • lemon yellow
    • carnation pink
    • silvery gray

It has


Phone: 1-800-SNUGGLE

So order today to stay happy and relaxed in the sleepy world of the Snoot Suit Snuggle.

Disclaimer: This website is owned and coded by Camila P. and Avelyn B.!